

Our Pre Prep is a HAPPY, busy place where children feel secure and gain independence. Every day there are wonderful new things to do and to learn.

Pre Prep promotes enquiring minds and equips children with the skills, knowledge and positive attitudes that are all key to future success.

Pre Prep Teacher: Miss Mason-Capone.


In this first year of compulsory education, children ENJOY their learning. They have many opportunities to experiment, discover, understand and develop as they relish learning to read, write and understand numbers.

All of the time children are encouraged to develop good relationships, manners and behaviour.

Class Teacher: Mrs Coomber-Townend, Mrs Gaynor


Children are EXCITED by the first year of Key Stage 1.

The teaching and learning is more formal but still very interactive in core subjects (English, Mathematics, Science and Computing) and foundation study (History, Geography, Design Technology, Music, Art, PE, PSHE and Citizenship).

Class Teacher: Mrs Kitson


In this last year of Key Stage 1 we aim to create INDEPENDENT and CONFIDENT learners who become great problem solvers!

Team working continues but individual tasks encourage greater focus and quicker reaction as we prepare children for work in Key Stage 2.

Class Teacher: Mrs Rhodes


The first stage of Key Stage 2 is undoubtedly a “bit of an ADVENTURE”.

Learning now demands self motivation, organisation and the willingness to rise to a challenge. It is more structured and requires self (rather than parent) organisation to manage class work and homework.

Teacher Leader: Mrs Long

Form III Partner Teacher: Mrs Kerfoot-Roberts


Year 4 children assume an even greater responsibility for their learning.

The children relish a challenge and gain the confidence, enthusiasm and motivation to explore new skills and knowledge.

Teacher Leader: Mr Warwick


The classroom atmosphere is very energetic, very productive and full of FUN.

Every child’s success is encouraged and celebrated, as is an interest in learning which extends beyond the classroom. Children move into their final Gleddings year with very good skills, high self esteem and a CAN DO attitude.

Teacher Leader: Mrs Wilkinson


The final year is a preparation for life after The Gleddings.

Destination school examinations (11+ for local Grammar Schools, Independent Grammar School Entrance Examinations and Common Entrance) are a priority but so are the life skills of team working, communication, computing, problem solving and care of others.

The year ends with the fit for life programme which includes enterprise skills, managing money, personal presentation, public speaking, citizenship, the law and the legal system, the British constitution, outdoor pursuits, being healthy and safe, DIY, cookery, sewing and a slide down the school bannister (well, they have waited for 8 years to do it!).

Teacher Leader: Dr Bamfield