Curriculum Information

All of The Gleddings' staff are committed to providing the richest and widest curriculum possible. Subjects are delivered with specialist subject skill and a great deal of enthusiasm.

Our curriculum is both broad and rich. We aim to make our children as literate and numerate as possible but we aim for much more. When children have mastered the basics of reading, writing and number, we need to extend our teaching and learning to ensure that all of our pupils learn how to think clearly, critically and creatively. In doing so, we will teach them to solve problems.

In addition to encouraging children to think, we emphasise, from the very earliest age, the importance of making good choices. Our "You Choose" ethos instils a “be healthy” and “stay safe” attitude, to ensure the children’s wellbeing, now and in the future.

Find further information on the individual subjects that make up our broad and rich curriculum here at The Gleddings.


At The Gleddings we place strong emphasis on promoting the children’s literacy skills as they are the key to developing and applying their knowledge and understanding across all the other subjects of the curriculum.

Each class, from Year 1 upwards, has at least an hour-long English lesson per day in which children are engaged in a variety of interesting and lively activities which help them to gain a sound grasp of the intricacies of the English Language. Most children reach very high standards in reading due to the high level of individual attention they receive.

We encourage children to develop a love of books, enjoy reading and recognise that they are a valuable source of information.


At The Gleddings high priority is given to developing the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding in Mathematics so that they learn to make mental calculations with confidence, enjoy the challenge of solving mathematical problems and work towards being good numerate adults.

Children are encouraged to develop their skills in Numeracy through the use of practical equipment and a wide range of real life and fun situations. They also learn how to explore numbers, patterns and shape, learn their times tables and carry out more formal calculations.

Strong emphasis is placed on developing accurate measuring skills and in learning to apply the mathematical concepts they have been taught to other subjects and situations in their everyday life.


Science at The Gleddings teaches children to think creatively, to explain how living and non-living things actually WORK!

We encourage enquiring minds and deliver the curriculum through “hands on” practical activities, “fun” tasks and exciting demonstrations which all reinforce the scientific principles of each topic.


It is very important to us that children learn to lead confident, healthy and independent lives and that they become informed, active and responsible citizens.

We encourage citizenship; friendship; keeping healthy and safe, and caring for our environment.


Physical Education is taught to ensure that all pupils will find enjoyment in physical activity. They will develop an interest in sport which they will want to continue throughout their life and therefore promote an active and healthy lifestyle.

The Physical Education curriculum promotes the development and understanding of games, gymnastics, dance, athletics and swimming and therefore provides opportunities for pupils to be creative, competitive and to face up to different challenges as individuals or working as a team member.

We aim for children to enjoy and share our enthusiasm for Art and Design by participating in a wide range of ‘hands on’ practical activities. Children are able to develop in confidence and to improve their techniques. They also learn to respect the materials, tools and resources that they explore.

Art and design is not just a subject to learn but an activity that you can practise with your hands, your eyes, your whole personality.
Quentin Blake, Children’s Laureate


Children at The Gleddings use computers from Pre-Prep onwards and ICT quickly becomes a valuable tool in their academic skill-set.

The children are encouraged to use technology for more effective communication and enhanced learning in all subject areas. Web 2.0 technologies are explored as the children become programmers,  filmmakers, architects and composers.

Above all else, children learn that the array of ever-changing equipment available to them is not just for playing games passively on – they are taught to be creators, not consumers. This extends from lessons into the many after-school computer clubs where the children can learn how to write their own games with Scratch, and create fun animations.


At The Gleddings, Design and Technology encourages the children to experience an exciting range of “design and make” activities.

The children will study a variety of mechanisms and construction techniques working with various materials including food, textiles, wood, card and ceramics. Children are taught practical skills in small groups.


Throughout the school, French lessons (which start in Pre Prep at the age of 3) are full of singing, dancing, role-play, games, stories and drama. Spoken French is used as much as possible in lessons, and all children are encouraged to ‘have a go’ in a relaxed and non-threatening atmosphere.

Reading and writing in French are introduced gradually, but the spoken word always comes first, and importance is attached to helping the children develop a good French accent.

Pupils learn about aspects of French culture, particularly through our link with a primary school in Lyon. Each class has a twin class in the French school and, in year 6, pupils write and email to individual pen friends.


Geography excites children throughout their years at The Gleddings to ask “Where in the world?” about people, places and the environment.

Children are taught to identify and describe what places are like, how they became the way they are and how they are changing from a study of the immediate locality of the school to far flung lands overseas. Children use I.C.T., fieldwork, globes, atlases, maps and plans to understand their world, their impact upon it and their responsibility for it.


Only by teaching History can we explain to children how we became what we are today.

From an early age children are taught to understand the differences between ways of life at different times in their own locality, in Britain and throughout the rest of the world. Children really enjoy history brought to life at various historical locations and events.


Music is an integral part of life at The Gleddings School. We aim to engender in our children a love of music which they will retain for life. We know that music helps our children to gain self-confidence, interact socially with their peers and other age groups and develop their creativity, which in turn helps their progress in other areas of the curriculum.

Choral music and specialist instrumental tuition

Singing is an important part of the school day and all children sing in lessons, during Music and Worship and in our regular Assemblies. Approximately two thirds of children have individual lessons with specialist music teachers. Piano, violin, cello, woodwind, brass, guitar, percussion and singing tuition is available. There are a number of instrumental groups and all children in Years 3 and 4 learn to play the glockenspiel.


All children take part in large musical events, both in school and in our local Church. Many pupils return for lessons after leaving The Gleddings and can often be seen providing support at these events along with family members. All children have the opportunity to perform to their families in our weekly Celebration Assemblies.


Presently children from Pre Prep to Upper IV learn Mandarin through bilingual songs, raps, games, stories and role play.

Children learn about the Chinese language and culture in an interactive and exciting way.

The Chinese government bestowed Confucius Classroom status on The Gleddings in November 2010 making it the first West Yorkshire primary school to become a teaching and learning hub for Mandarin.